Building Type |
Building Height |
Ownership Status |
Roof Type |
Siding Type |
Computer Location |
If you answered "Other" in any of the selections above please explain:
Operating System |
Network Card |
Anti-Virus Software |
Satellite systems are designed to work on computers running Windows 98 Second Edition and higher. Satellite systems will also work on late model Mac operating systems. If your computer is running an older operating system, now might be a good time to upgrade. Alternately we can still do the install and the installer can verify that the system is operating on their laptop. However, you may need to upgrade your operating system before the satellite will work on your PC.
Connection between the Satellite Modem and your PC is through a network card. If you answered "no" or "Not Sure" than you will need to make sure it has a functioning network card before the install. Alternately we can still do the install and the installer can verify that the system is operating on his laptop. However, you will still need to get a network card before the system will work on your PC.
A functioning and up-to-date anti-virus program should be installed on your PC before attempting to connect the satellite system. The installer will spend about 5 minutes configuring your PC to work with the satellite system and a virus or spyware program is the most common problem preventing this from happening. If the installer has issues with your PC that they cannot get through in 5 minutes, than they will verify that the system is working on their laptop and put you in touch with tech support to troubleshoot your computer issues.
The basic install does not provide any networking services. As a convenience we can network your computers so more than one computer can access the internet at the same time. Networking costs are $75/Hr. (one hour minimum) plus parts and materials. For networking parts we charge what CompUSA charges plus $10 on each item.
Will you need Networking Assistance?
What a "basic" installation includes:
Running the cable through an attic or crawl space
Fishing the cable through a wall
Arial cable runs
Pole mount
Fascia build down
Under Eave mount
Cable runs over 100'
Grounding runs over 30'
Grounding rods
Installing on a roof higher than 1 story
Here in California a common example of a "non standard installation" would be a house with a tile roof and stucco siding. The satellite dish cannot be mounted to tile or stucco so the installer would probably need to install the satellite on a pole mount.
Anything that falls outside of the basic installation (non-standard) may result in additional charges that you will pay directly to your installer. Your installer will go over, and have you approve, any additional charges with you before they get started.