With HughesNet, your super-fast, always-on, satellite Internet access is ready when you are. No dialing in, no waiting, and no tied-up phone lines. You can download files in a fraction of the time it takes on Dial-Up. Check email instantly and surf faster than you ever imagined. And HughesNet is compatible with Windows and Mac, so getting online anywhere in the contiguous U.S. is easy!

What is HughesNet?

HughesNet is the high-speed Internet solution that's available to everyone in the contiguous U.S. with a clear view of the southern sky. HughesNet uses satellite technology to give you a super-fast, always-on Internet connection—so you can enjoy the Internet the way it was meant to be. HughesNet gets you online instantly, lets you surf and open pages faster and download files in a fraction of the time it takes on dial-up.

How does it work?

HughesNet delivers high-speed Internet over satellite—not over your telephone line—so you can surf and talk at the same time. A certified HughesNet installer will connect your computer to a satellite modem and link it to a satellite dish (antenna) that’s typically mounted on the roof of your home. The satellite dish sends and receives information (i.e., email, Web pages, files) over the Internet and delivers it your computer almost instantly!

Why Choose HughesNet?

HughesNet is brought to you by HUGHES, the leading provider of broadband satellite network solutions for consumers, businesses, and government. For over 30 years, Hughes has delivered satellite products and services around the world, with more than 800,000 systems ordered or shipped to customers in 85 countries. Hughes pioneered the development of high-speed satellite Internet services, which it markets globally under the HughesNet brand.



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